Phasmophobia Ghost Cheat Sheet: Here’s how to identify every ghost in Phasmophobia

The easy way to find your ghost.

A lit match illuminating the entrance of a closet in Phasmophobia
Image via Kinetic Games (Steam)

As there are 24 Ghosts in Phasmophobia, identifying them can be challenging because they often share similar characteristics and evidence. However, there is a way to identify each ghost if you know their three types of evidence.

How to identify every ghost in Phasmophobia

To identify your ghost in Phasmophobia, you will use various tools to uncover evidence fitting their characteristics or traits. Although you can only identify ghosts using three types of evidence, there are seven in total, including:

  • DOTS Projector: When placed near a ghost, you may see their silhouette.
  • EMF Five: If a ghost interacts with the environment, the EMF reading will show a specific number, like five.
  • Fingerprints (Ultraviolet): Under UV Light, some ghosts will leave fingerprints.
  • Freezing Temperatures: This refers to temperatures that drop below 14°F.
  • Ghost Orb: Orbs will spawn in certain rooms, and they can only be seen via a camera with night vision or a video feed with night vision.
  • Ghost Writing: If given a Ghost Writing Book, some ghosts will write inside it.
  • Spirit Box: This device will play white noise until a ghost communicates with you.
A Spirit Box being used in a dark haunted house in Phasmophobia
Specific ghosts will talk to you via the Spirit Box. Image via Kinetic Games

Phasmophobia ghost cheat sheet

With this Phasmophobia Cheat Sheet, you can identify all the ghosts by their three types of evidence.

BansheeDOTS ProjectorFingerprintsGhost Orb
DemonFingerprintsFreezingGhost Writing
DeogenDOTS ProjectorGhost WritingSpirit Box
GoryoDOTS ProjectorEMF 5Fingerprints
HantuFingerprintsFreezingGhost Orb
JinnEMF FiveFingerprintsFreezing
MareGhost OrbGhost WritingSpirit Box
MimicFingerprintsFreezingSpirit Box
MoroiFreezingGhost WritingSpirit Box
MylingEMF FiveFingerprintsGhost Writing
ObakeEMF FiveFingerprintsGhost Orb
OniDOTS ProjectorEMF 5Freezing
OnyroFreezingGhost OrbSpirit Box
PhantomDOTS ProjectorFingerprintsSpirit Box
PoltergeistFingerprintsGhost WritingSpirit Box
RaijuDOTS ProjectorEMF 5Ghost Orb
RevenantFreezingGhost OrbGhost Writing
ShadeEMF FiveFreezingGhost Writing
Spirit EMF FiveGhost WritingSpirit Box
ThayeDOTS ProjectorGhost OrbGhost Writing
TwinsEMF FiveFreezing Spirit Box
WraithDOTS ProjectorEMF 5Spirit Box
YokaiDOTS ProjectorGhost OrbSpirit Box
YureiDOTS ProjectorFreezingGhost Orb

While many prefer the table format for the cheat sheet, I’m more of a visual person, meaning I like to quickly flick through columns to find what I need, which is why I’m including a comparison table, as well.

GhostDOTSEMF 5FingerprintsFreezingGhost OrbGhost WritingSpirit Box

How to use the cheat sheet to identify a ghost in Phasmophobia

A video camera recording the entrance of a house in Phasmophobia
This is not the game for you if you’re afraid of the dark. Image via Kinetic Games

By using the cheat sheet, you can narrow down and identify your ghost in Phasmophobia through a process of elimination. While there are several ways to do this, I like to use the tables to narrow down my ghosts like this:

  1. Start with the most common evidence item. This is Fingerprints and Spirit Box, as they each have 11 ghosts who use this as evidence. So, pick whichever one is easier for you.
  2. Go inside the haunted house and either rule it out or mark it down as a piece of evidence.
  3. From the cheat sheet, take note of the ghosts who either have or don’t have this evidence.
    • For example: If you chose Fingerprints and found Fingerprints, you’d take note of all 11 Ghosts who have Fingerprints as evidence. But if you chose Fingerprints and didn’t get Fingerprints, take note of the 13 ghosts who don’t have Fingerprints as evidence.
  4. From your new list of potential ghosts, find out what the most common piece of evidence is, and repeat the above steps until you have all three pieces of evidence.

It sounds simple, but when you add in the adrenaline from being chased by a ghost, your friends locking you out of a cupboard, and nothing but your flickering torchlight to guide you out, the process of elimination becomes much more challenging. I recommend using a pen and paper or the notes app on your phone to make remembering and eliminating ghosts easier.

Although there are 24 ghosts in Phasmophobia, you can use the cheat sheet and the elimination process to narrow down which is haunting your location.


Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.

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