TFT Set 10 teasers drop as Riot Mortdog raises over 25k for charity

Kids win through huge donations and players win with Set 10 spoilers.

Image of Karthus casting a spell
Image via Riot Games

Game designer for Teamfight Tactics Stephen “Mortdog” Mortimer ran a charity stream on Oct. 21, raising over 25k for Gamers Outreach, while also dropping two teasers for the upcoming Set 10. 

Raising money for Gamers Outreach, an organization that makes gaming carts for kids in hospitals, was Mortdog through Twitch on Oct. 21. Incentives were provided to fans as a way to raise money for the charity, which included cute ideas like a father-and-daughter TFT game, Mort must dance, and a special guest controls Mortdog. Top donation items on the list included TFT Set 10 leaks and Mortdog getting a Teamfight Tactics tattoo. 

In addition to the TFT tattoo, Mortdog will have to either shave or dye the hair on his head. And I figure Mortdog isn’t interested in looking like me, so my money is on the hair dye. The incentive sheet only went up to $20,000, with Mort raising a total of $25,070.69, exceeding his own goal by over $5,000.

The money raised was a big deal for Gamers Outreach, and for players who were anxiously awaiting TFT Set 10 reveals. Prior to unlocking the first champion reveal, Mortdog dropped a significant spoiler.

“There are changes to the leveling system,” he said. 

The leveling system is one of the core foundations within the auto battler, determining rolling odds, and even economy. And details aren’t far off, with the PBE launch of TFT Set 10 expected to drop between Oct. 31 to Nov. 2. Upon reaching the $10,000 goal, the first champion was revealed. 

“Karthus is in the Set as a four-cost, using his Ult as his spell,” said Mortdog. The return of Karthus is a big deal since the champion hasn’t been in TFT since Set One. Karthus was a five-cost back then, and it’s possible that his shift to four-cost is related to the upcoming changes to the leveling system. 

And the money continued to flow in for Gamers Outreach, triggering the second champion reveal at $15,000, showcasing another former unit that last appeared in Set Two.

Joining Karthus in TFT Set 10 is Amumu, who is now a three-cost champion. The former five-cost now has a Passive that gains him stacking armor upon taking damage, a low mana cost, and a unique spin attack that hits enemies nearby, according to Mortdog

Players and fans can continue to contribute towards hospitalized children through Gamers Outreach. And for those awaiting TFT Set 10, playtesting through PBE servers is expected to take place between Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 


Danny Forster
Lead MTG and TFT scribe for Dot Esports. Danny is a gamer beach bum residing in Spacecoast Florida—who also enjoys anime, fishing, and Star Wars. You can typically catch Danny playing TCGs and a variety of strategic games. He also hangs out on Twitter @Dannyspacecoast.

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