Which WoW specs have the most parity? Players debate similarities between DPS options

WoW specs are more similar to each other than you might think.

Three red Draenei standing next to each other
Image via Blizzard Entertainment

There are over two dozen DPS specializations in World of Warcraft, and if you play enough of them, you’ll surely realize some have similarities between them.

In a thread posted on the WoW subreddit earlier today, players tried to give each other a bit of advice, telling one another that if they like one spec, they’d do well to try another one. And although many players are likely to stick with their mains, trying something that’s in a similar vein to what you currently play is the perfect way to dip your toes into another class without leaving your comfort zone altogether. 

One player mentioned that Arms Warrior and Survival Hunter are relatively close to each other when it comes to playstyle as the two specs have fairly similar rotations and a similar level of button-mashing. The Reddit user who made this comparison, Danimal1942, said that Survival Hunter was essentially “Arms warrior with bombs.” 

There’s a bit more downtime for these two specs in comparison to some other melee DPS options, so if you’re a Surv Hunter or Arms Warrior looking to keep things light while still making a transition to another spec, there’s definitely some parity to be had there. 

Another WoW player mentioned that Marksmanship Hunter and Destruction Warlock were relatively close to each other, especially when you take into account that Aimed Shot and Chaos Bolt are essentially the same ability but with a different visual effect attached to each of them. “Yes but no,” replied one player in protest. “You simply can’t beat the visuals of a good Chaos Bolt.”

Night Elf Warlock casting a spell in WoW Dragonflight. Her hands glow green with the effect of a Chaos Bolt.
Warlock visuals are arguably second to none. Image via Blizzard Entertainment

In my personal experience, I’ve found there is definitely some translatable skill between Havoc Demon Hunter and Windwalker Monk. Fast-paced combat combined with heavy reliance on mobility are factors that are prevalent in both of those specs, and as someone who initially played Windwalker for a long while, I found that making the transition over to a Havoc Demon Hunter alt was easier than most changes I’ve made while playing WoW

WoW Dragonflight’s next patch, Patch 10.2, is scheduled to release next week. It’s going to be a perfect time to get yourself back into the game, potentially with a new class, even. So, if you’re someone who plays a class that can be streamlined and familiarized into another spec in the game, it might be worth playing the final leg of the expansion through a fresh set of eyes (and buttons on your hotbar). 


Michael Kelly
Staff Writer covering World of Warcraft and League of Legends, among others. Mike's been with Dot since 2020, and has been covering esports since 2018.

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