WoW Dragonflight: How to start and complete the Day of the Dead quest, The Grateful Dead

A quest for all the Breadheads out there.

WoW Stormwind Cemetery featuring the quest giver for the Grateful Dead
Screenshot by Dot Esports

The Day of the Dead holiday is currently active in World of Warcraft, and although the celebration may be lesser in scale when compared to some of the game’s major holidays, there are still some worthwhile activities to complete during its brief two-day span.

One of those activities is the quest “The Grateful Dead,” which requires you to cook some Bread of the Dead for a cheerful spirit in your faction’s capital city. However, the quest can be a little trick to start, as the quest giver can only be seen if you’re under the effect of a certain buff provided by a limited-time item.

Here’s how to get all of the items related to The Grateful Dead in WoW

How to start the Grateful Dead during WoW’s Day of the Dead event

Chapman, the Day of the Dead Vendor, in Stormwind City in WoW Dragonflight
Chapman can be found in every major city during Day of the Dead. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To even have access to the Grateful Dead, you’ll have to buy an Orange Marigold from the Day of the Dead Vendor, Chapman. This item will allow you to see NPCs affected by lesser invisibility, including nearby spirits. One of the spirits you’ll be able to see after using the Orange Marigold is a cheerful spirit that will give you the quest. 

The cheerful spirit will ask you to craft a Bread of the Dead for them, which requires an up-to-date cooking skill, as well as its recipe, which can also be purchased from Chapman. 

Where to get Simple Flour and Ice Cold Milk

Simple Flour and Ice Cold Milk are two low-level ingredients that are needed to craft the Bread of the Dead, and luckily, they won’t require you to go on any long treks. Simple Flour can be purchased from cooking supplies vendors, while Ice Cold Milk can be picked up from almost any innkeeper in a major city. If you’re an Alliance player completing this quest in Stormwind City, you can head over to the Pig and Whistle Tavern in Old Town to collect both ingredients in one fell swoop. 

How to cook the Bread of the Dead in WoW Dragonflight

WoW cooking interface featuring the recipe for Bread of the Dead
Bread of the Dead requires only two very easy-to-get ingredients. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Once you’ve acquired the Ice Cold Milk and Simple Flour, return to the Day of the Dead hub in your capital city and proceed to cook the recipe over the ghostly cooking fire that can be found near the vendors and quest givers. The ghostly cooking fire needed to craft the Bread of the Dead can be identified by the glowing blue brazier that’s near Chapman. Cook up the bread and return to the Cheerful Spirit nearby. Make sure you’ve got another Orange Marigold on hand in order to see the spirit. After completing the quest, you’ll earn the Macabre Marionette companion pet.


Michael Kelly
Staff Writer covering World of Warcraft and League of Legends, among others. Mike's been with Dot since 2020, and has been covering esports since 2018.

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